Doug Nouwen


Communicator – Marketer – Video Producer

“I am accustomed to working in fast paced environments and aspire to match what I’m good at with what’s difficult. My entrepreneurial experience has strengthened my judgment, made me a prompt problem solver and a determined self starter.

I’m always seeking engaging opportunities that lead to personal or professional growth.”

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14 + 2 =

Grapvine TV Video Newsletter

Grapevine TV was the first corporate video newsletter for staff of CORUS Entertainment. The idea was to relate the content of the existing Grapevine memo via a news style production. It featured a non traditional wide layout that was intended for play back on...

Drawings restored from 1912

Two 1912 technical drawings of proposed bridges across the Bow River at Centre Street in the Corporate Archives collection have recently been restored, thanks to a grant from the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation through the Archives Society of Alberta. Both...

The Host of Christmas Past

I was honored to return to the employee news program I helped kick off as the Host of Christmas Past.

Career Services

This was an on camera interview I was very happy to participate in. I was asked if I would share about my personal experience using the Career Counseling benefit from my employer. I thought the service was great and wanted to help share the good news with my...

Municipal Building Community Garden

City volunteers planned, constructed and planted, and continue to maintain and harvest the Municipal Garden. It is located on the south side of the Municipal Building above the parkade, within The City of Calgary’s Memorial Garden. Growing our own food – no matter how...

Star Awards of Excellence

Themed coverage of the Star Awards of Excellence at Heritage Park.

Trends Forum – Meeting Coverage

A peek inside a meeting with many leaders discussing planning and considerations for the upcoming cycle. This video was part of a larger employee communications plan meant to relay information about The City's budget planning.

Cubicle Cast – Halloween Edition

This normally straight shooting employee news program went all out when it came time to celebrate Halloween and deliver headlines. Unfortunately the ideas of the cast out scaled the size of the shallow set. Each person was filmed against a green screen and then...

Four-car train service

Calgary Transit is announced it is launching four-car CTrain service ahead of schedule.  

Canada Olympic Park Winter Promo

This 30s broadcast spot was created as a compliment to Canada Olympic Park's, "Feed Your Obsession," print campaign. It aired on CBC Calgary.